
Nourish skin with oil, remove makeup more and more beautiful

May 24, 2024

Makeup remover oil is based on the principle of similar dissolution with the oily ingredients in facial makeup to achieve the effect of removing makeup, it can be hidden in the pores of dirt, oil and residual makeup ingredients dissolved, after water emulsification with a lot of water rinse can be them thoroughly cleaned up, with efficient cleaning effect.


The basic ingredients of AOXUE Makeup remover are mineral oil, synthetic fat or vegetable oil, suitable for all skin types. Natural mild, no irritation to the skin


Usually used in makeup of a variety of high-color, high-water-resistance products, what waterproof oil-control adhesion strong makeup, general makeup remover oil or washing makeup remover oil, can be easily removed.



However, for the skin, makeup removing oil is still relatively safe, makeup removing oil removing makeup, you do not have to rush to wash your face, will not cause skin burden.


If you use water to wash makeup removing oil, you can not be so casual, you must immediately wash your face, in order to avoid the emulsifier residue on the skin caused damage, face washing is to pay attention to, sometimes candidates for makeup remover, but the wrong use of face cleaning products.



Use makeup remover oil to remove makeup, the process of washing your face is just enough to wash away this layer of greasy, do not need to spend a lot of time with a strong foaming facial cleanser must wash the skin dry.


In terms of makeup removal effect, because the water-washed makeup removal oil contains emulsifiers, it can help the oil penetrate into the pores, and bring the attached cosmetics and the dirt of sebum metabolism to the surface of the skin to achieve a deep cleaning effect.

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