
What makes snail masks so popular?

Apr 17, 2024

Since the snail mask is so popular, there must be a reason for it, many people know that the mask has hydration, or whitening, then, the snail mask is the same? How does it work?



Snail mask A facial mask composed mainly of a slime extract secreted by snails. Using snail secretion with powerful regeneration and repair functions, the main function of snail mask is moisturizing, whitening and skin repair functions. It can promote the rapid regeneration of skin in the moisturizing state, repair scars, whiten spots, repair acne marks, shrink pores and eliminate acne. After use, the skin can obviously become tender and firm, delicate and white, fine lines can be reduced, deeper wrinkles and thick pores can be easily improved, even the most dry and allergic skin can be restored to a healthy and natural state.



1, Repair damaged cells, the ultimate moisture lock water

Snail in contains natural nutrient essence extracted from Chilean snail elastin, combined with penetration technology and new bio-fiber flexible mask, breaking the traditional mask surface repair method, further introduce protein essence into deep cells, repair damaged skin tissue, improve skin absorption ability, and make skin full of moisture. Continuous use, more effective to smooth the fine lines of the face, hit the dull skin tone, efficient to create traceless beauty.



2, Deep repair, rejuvenation

Focus on repairing damaged skin tissues and cells, deep repair skin care, and double protection of complete and tender skin, revitalize cheek skin, go deep into the bottom of the skin to strengthen the ability of cell regeneration, skin color is uniform and shiny, with the best moisturizing and water-retaining factor collagen and hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid triple efficient water retention, inject a lot of water into the cells, Enhance skin's ability to retain water and replenish moisture, instantly make skin full and shiny.

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